Jealousy and freedom… Who would have known! I don’t know if you were ever bullied or if you have felt judged by somebody before, but …

Jealousy and freedom… Who would have known! I don’t know if you were ever bullied or if you have felt judged by somebody before, but …
Have you ever been talking to your partner, a friend or maybe someone you are arguing with and suddenly you find yourself wounded and saying …
Vulnerability is seen in our culture as such a scary thing, but did you know that it is the key to your full power and …
How do you deal with failure? Are you someone who quits when it gets hard? Are you someone who just keeps getting up and running …
You know that feeling when you are driving down the road and someone pulls out in front of you and it scares the bajeepers out …
There is a saying that whatever you resist or cling to will persist and what you be with will complete itself. This philosophy is so …